About this concert

Aloha Friends,

You are all aware of the tragic fires in August on Maui that destroyed the entire town of Lahaina. For the past 24 years, Ben held an annual masterclass on the island of Maui. To raise funds for so many who literally lost everything, we asked professional guitarists who either attended the class or were guest teachers, to make videos as short musical tributes to the island. The result is an incredible marathon video benefit concert entitled “Guitarists Play for Maui”, that premiered on YouTube on December 17, 2023. Most of the videos are newly created for this concert – several are new compositions written for the occasion and are offered with the sole purpose of helping the people of Maui.

We are grateful for all of the performers who took the time and energy to share their gifts for this cause. All of them were extremely moved by what Maui gave them and will never forget it. They performed on Maui in concerts that were free and open to the public. One of the more memorable places where we performed was the Lahaina Jodo Mission, run by Rev. and Mrs. Hara and their family. Through the years, the Haras became dear friends. Sadly, their extraordinarily beautiful and unique mission did not survive the fires but they are all safe. We are happy that the grand Buddha statue did survive. Their daughter Yayoi gives a brief account of the horrors of the fire in this article.

This is a benefit concert, and we are asking people to donate to either or both of two charities, a rebuilding fund for the Lahaina Jodo Mission and the Maui Food Bank. 

It is a marathon guitar concert of over three hours! The YouTube link will stay up in perpetuity, allowing you to visit different performances at your leisure. Please tell your friends about the concert.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with peace, love, and, yes, guitars!!!

Ben Verdery and John Olson